world war 1914 to 1918

 On 19th October 1926 Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII), unveiled a memorial in Westminster Abbey to the Million Dead of the First World War. It was presented to the Abbey by the Imperial War Graves Commission. This stone tablet, designed by Lt. Colonel P.H.C. de Lafontaine, has coloured arms of the United Kingdom in the centre, surrounded by those of India, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and Newfoundland. The memorial was placed on a special platform in the nave, near the monument to Newton, for the unveiling service and then put in its present position in St George's chapel, near the grave of the Unknown Warrior (the chapel at this period was called the chapel of the Holy Cross or Warriors chapel). The original inscription, in blue with gilt capitals, was composed by Rudyard Kipling and read:

To The Glory of God And to the memory of One Million Dead of the British Empire who fell in the Great War 1914-1918. They Died in Every Quarter of the Earth and on all its Seas and their Graves are made sure to them by their Kin. The Main Host lie Buried in the Lands of our Allies of the War who have set aside their resting places in Honour for Ever

The inscription was altered after the Second World War but is the same as the above apart from the extra words:

...Who fell in the Two Wars 1914 and 1939...

after the word Empire.

The courses listed above have similar content to this one meaning you can only enrol in this course or one of the listed courses. Only one of the courses can be credited towards your qualification.

General progression requirements You must complete at least 45 credits from 100-level before enrolling in 200-level courses.1 Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the First World War 1914-1918 and its aftermath.2 Evaluate the broader military and social significance of the war, its consequences and contemporary relevance.3 Identify primary sources in specified topics across a variety of media: printed, visual and online and interpret specific primary sources in the context of wider knowledge.4 Analyse and assess the major historical approaches to the First World War.5 Communicate historical knowledge in spoken, written and digital forms which is consistently referenced, identifying key interpretations and primary documents.

Learning outcomes can change before the start of the semester you are studying the course in.


Assessment weightings can change up to the start of the semester the course is delivered in.

You may need to take more assessments depending on where, how, and when you choose to take this course.

Explanation of assessment types Computer programmes Computer animation and screening, design, programming, models and other computer work. Creative compositions Animations, films, models, textiles, websites, and other compositions. Exam College or GRS-based (not centrally scheduled) An exam scheduled by a college or the Graduate Research School (GRS). The exam could be online, oral, field, practical skills, written exams or another format. Exam (centrally scheduled) An exam scheduled by Assessment Services (centrally) – you’ll usually be told when and where the exam is through the student portal. Oral or performance or presentation Debates, demonstrations, exhibitions, interviews, oral proposals, role play, speech and other performances or presentations. Participation You may be assessed on your participation in activities such as online fora, laboratories, debates, tutorials, exercises, seminars, and so on. Portfolio Creative, learning, online, narrative, photographic, written, and other portfolios. Practical or placement Field trips, field work, placements, seminars, workshops, voluntary work, and other activities. Simulation Technology-based or experience-based simulations. Test Laboratory, online, multi-choice, short answer, spoken, and other tests – arranged by the school. Written assignment Essays, group or individual projects, proposals, reports, reviews, writing exercises, and other written assignments. Textbooks needed

The War


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